Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Liu Bolin - Invisible Man in Real Life, Amazing Body Painting Art, Mighty Optical Illusions
Liu Bolin is a Chinese artist known for taking photographs of himself, painted in order to blend in with the background. He graduated from the Sculpture Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. Liu Bolin, a young Beijing-based artist, has become known as the “invisible man” due to his ability to use his own body as an Art material.The chameleon paints on himself, appearing to blend in with the backdrop.
Liu Bolin, was born in Shandong in 1973, graduated from the Art Department of Shandong Arts Institute with a bachelor degree in 1995, and in the year of 2001, he graduated from the Sculpture department of Central Academy of Fine Arts
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Smallest Bodybuilder
At just 2ft 9in, Indian muscleman Adiya "Romeo" Dev is the world's smallest bodybuilder.
Pint-sized Romeo is well-known in his hometown of Phagwara, India - for his ability to lift 1.5kg dumbbells - despite his overall 9kg body weight. Every day, crowds flock to the local gym to the see the mini-muscleman in training.
Pint-sized Romeo is well-known in his hometown of Phagwara, India - for his ability to lift 1.5kg dumbbells - despite his overall 9kg body weight. Every day, crowds flock to the local gym to the see the mini-muscleman in training.

Jyoti , Smallest Girl in the World

This remarkable teenager, who weighs just 11 lb, is the smallest girl in the world.Her tiny size - she's just nine inches taller than this page - means that Jyoti has to have her fashionable clothes and jewellery made for her.
The youngster - who has a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia and will never grow any taller - is too small to use a normal-sized knife and fork so she eats off special plates... and sleeps in a tiny, custombuilt bed.
The Balloon Fashion
The world of fashion has an unique way of amazing people with every chance it gets. Here is how using ordinary balloons you can create really great balloon dresses and other fashion articles. Balloon Art Now comes to fashion world. Looks like some people have too much time on their hands!! See some amazing photos of Amazing Balloon Twisting Art, Twisted Balloons Fashion, Balloon Dresses, Balloon Art Clothing and more.

Awesome Road Paintings
Street Painting has been recorded throughout Europe since the 16th century. Street painters in Italy are called madonnari.because they often created pictures representing the Madonna. Historically, madonnari were itinerant artists who lived a life of travel and freedom. Aware of the festival and holy days in each province and town, they traveled to join in the festivities. They created images in public squares and in front of the local church using bits of broken roof tiles, charcoal, and some white chalk. Passersby would often leave a bit of bread or olive oil for the artist along with an occasional coin. The artists were often commissioned to create votos and ex-votos, and after the festivities or with the first rain, both the painting and the painter would vanish.
Strangest Vacations Across the World
1. A Vacation to the Moon

Space Adventures provides the opportunity for you to blast off in a Soyuz spacecraft for a circumlunar mission.
Amazing Holes..
Looking at photos like these scares and fascinates me in equal doses. The sheer scale of these holes reminds you of just how tiny you are. Mirny Diamond Mine, Siberia. I'm pretty sure most people have seen this one. It's an absolute beast and holds the title of largest open diamond mine in the world, at 525 metres deep with a top diameter of 1200 metres there's even a no-fly zone above the hole due to a few helicopters being sucked in.

The red arrow in the photo below is pointing to a huge truck.
The Tree Man has a cure :)
An Indonesian fisherman who feared that he would be killed by tree-like growths covering his body has been given hope of recovery by an American doctor - and Vitamin A.
Dede, now 35, baffled medical experts when warty "roots" began growing out of his arms and feet after he cut his knee in a teenage accident.

Unexpected Gold Gadgets
The gadget world is getting ‘golden’ day by day with a large number of gadgets being manufactured with gold bars and diamonds. Its all seem to be glittering all around.

Gold Plated AK-47
Amazolita is about the Extra Ordinary people doing Extra Ordinary things and all the other amazing things in the world...
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