Monday, 8 August 2011

Woman with 700 cats

Lynea Lattanzio, who is the founder and owner of California’s largest cat sanctuary. Can you imagine, 700 cats?!

Tune into Nat Geo Wild on Saturday, July 30 at 10pm ET/PT to see the full story. As always we are happy to share some sneak peeks with you!

SAMSUNG GALAXY SKIN - Unbelievable concept

The concept is called Samsung Galaxy Skin, since it flexes, bends and adjusts to the task at hand. There are two fairly rigid sides, and a flexible screen in the middle, so that a number of shapes and poses variations are possible, depending whether you are listening to music, using the GPS in your car, or projecting images from the phone.

Amazolita is about the Extra Ordinary people doing Extra Ordinary things and all the other amazing things in the world...

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